Blank WordFly Custom Screen


Tessitura has provided instructions for an official, secure workaround for this issue. An update to the embedded web browser in the Tessitura application will be addressed in a future service pack. Please see the Tessitura Support Alert for more details.

After working closely with Tessitura, they’ve determined that an update needs to be made to the embedded web browser in the Tessitura application. It will be addressed in a future service pack. Until then, please contact Tessitura for details about the best workaround.

Alternatively, you can access the WordFly custom screen directly in your web browser. Log into WordFly and open this link with a constituent ID at the end:

We are continuing to look into a possible certificate issue for the custom screen. While we work on a fix, we recommend logging into the page from a browser using the link described below.


We’re working on a resolution to reports of a blank custom screen inside Tessitura.

In the meantime, if you are logged into WordFly in a browser, you can check the same view using this link. with a constituent ID at the end.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Tessitura Integration and Custom Screen