Scheduled Maintenance

Sunday, 22 October 2 hours

The maintenance is now complete. Thank you for your patience while we completed the update. All campaigns have resumed sending.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


We will be performing routine maintenance to the WordFly infrastructure on Sunday, October 22nd, starting at 2:00 PM Pacific. We anticipate the work will take approximately two hours. During this time:

• There may be a delay or slowness when logging in and using WordFly.

• Scheduled and automated campaigns will not send. Lists will not import.

• Data will not sync to CRMs.

• Email, survey, and RSVP responses will be queued and returned to WordFly after the maintenance window.

• New email subscribers will be queued and returned to WordFly after the maintenance window.

We will notify customers in the application when the window begins and when the maintenance is complete. Please follow for updates.

Began at:

Affected components
  • WordFly Web Application
    • List Importing
    • Email Editor
    • Pages Editor
    • Blocks Editor
    • Image Editor
    • Inbox Preview
    • Campaign Reporting
  • Campaign Sending and Tracking
    • Standard Emails
    • Scheduled Emails
    • Automated Emails
    • Test Emails
    • SMS Messages
  • Tessitura Integration and Custom Screen